6 Tips To Prepare Your Pet For Family Photos

Meet Charlie.

Charlie is about as well behaved as they come. If I had the choice to photograph one pup for the rest of my career as a photographer, he would be my first choice. He also has a baby sister named cricket, and she’s pretty amazing, too! First off, look at how cute he is! The only “flaw” he has is that he’s incredibly awkward when asked to “smile” for the camera. He is trained well, but we have found that his best photos are during play. I guess the same could be said for the majority of people who are not used to being photographed professionally.

working with pets during your family photos is similar to working with infants and toddlers; they have the attention span of an ant and a mind of their own and it’s up to us to rein them in. there are a few things we can do to prepare them to be their best during your family photo session. Below are just a few tips on how to ready your pet.

Batavia NY Family Photographer
  1. Pamper them: You get your hair, nails, and make-up done for your photos. Why not do the same for your pet. Give them a little spa day so they look their best on photo day. You can do this with a professional or do it yourself.

  2. Include them in the questionnaire: I send a questionnaire over to my clients to let me know who is being photographed and tell me a little bit about each person. If your pet is being photographed, please don’t exclude them from this questionnaire.

  3. Feed them: Again, your pets are just like children. You don’t want them to show up to a session with an empty belly.

  4. Walk them: Dogs can get pretty excited when meeting new people. This is normal, but it’s important that you expend a little energy before your session. I wouldn’t tire them out completely, but by giving them a 15 minute walk prior to your session time will allow them to be more calm at the start of your session. Plan to arrive to your session about 20 minutes early so that you can let them do this.

  5. Treats & toys: Reward your pet when they’ve done a job well done, but try to not overuse these; we don’t want sick animals. Toys can be used by the photographer to catch the attention of the pet.

  6. Be patient and have fun! Remember that we also want to capture playful moments and the genuine personality of your pet, so don’t be afraid to love on them just like your kiddos.

That’s it! That’s all I have. If you have any additional tips/tricks or questions for your pet in particular, please drop them in the comment section below and I will answer them as soon as I can. Happy Monday, y’all.

Let's Talk TICKS {insert itching} | Batavia, N.Y. Family Photographer


As you all know I love me some unpolished foliage. Give me a field full of overgrown beautifulness and I am happy as a clam! Unfortunately, that also comes at a price. Winter is generally “off-season” for family photographers in Western, N.Y. simply because it just becomes too challenging to keep the little ones happy in the colder temps, so that means that everyone who is looking to update their family photos are typically having them done between the months of March and, at the latest, November. As you all know ticks are basically demons that live earth side and can cause some serious health issues. It is, as a mother and family photographer, incredibly important to me that I do everything in my power to protect the families who entrust me with the safety of their precious littles, and so I have decided to compile a list of things to do before and after your family photo session with your Batavia, N.Y. family photographer in attempts to prevent tick bites.


-Treat the clothing you will be wearing for your session with a repellant containing Permethrin. This product is typically good for up to 7 washes.

-(From the CDC website) Use Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-registered insect repellentsExternal containing DEET, picaridin, IR3535, Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus (OLE), para-menthane-diol (PMD), or 2-undecanone.

  • Do not use insect repellent on babies younger than 2 months old.

  • Do not use products containing OLE or PMD on children under 3 years old.


-Take a lint roller (sticky kind) and run in all over yourself and your child(ren).

-Change your clothing asap!

-While I do suggest a constant check during your session, it is incredibly important to do a full body check right after your session. This means both yourself and your child(ren). In addition to the main areas of your body, be sure to check under your arms, in your hair, private region, and belly button. I would also suggest showering up to 2 hours post session as to remove any unattached ticks and to run your body check.

Also note: The transmission of Lyme Disease only occurs if the tick has been attached for 36-48 hours, so it is paramount you do an immediate check to prevent the spread of Lyme disease.

Now that I am all itchy just thinking about this, I hope that this post offers some valuable information for you and your family before, during, and after your next outdoor family photo session.

Why Your Batavia, N.Y. Family Photographer is so NOSEY!

Hilchey Family - Oakfield, N.Y. Family Portrait Session

Western NY Family Photographer

Many of times I get inquiries for sessions that look like this-

“Hi there! How much for a session?”

Listen! I’m not “Portrait Innovations” or “The Picture People”. One price does not fit all. There are many elements involved to decide what price your specific session would be. When you book with me you are booking a CUSTOM portrait experience. Now, what does that mean exactly?

Well, for starters I am not selling you this pose and that setup. I am creating images that are unique to you and your family. That includes, but is not limited to, clothing, location, “props”, desired images, etc…. You will find that when booking with me I ask A LOT of questions. Not just before booking but even during the planning process. Even more-so if I’ve never met you before. Every family has different needs and expectations for their session. That said, not everyone knows what to expect from a session. It is my job to educate you on what experience I offer and vice versa- to find out what experience you are looking for. I don’t do in-person, pre-consultations and so it is very important for me, and I hope my clients value this part of my service as well, that I learn as much about your family as I can so that I can capture genuine and unique images that tell your story. Simply put, it’s like commissioning an artist or even an interior designer. It’s important that you are specific about what you are looking for so that they can see your vision and produce the product.

This photo is a great example- Had mom never mentioned that her husband wanted a photo done at his fire department, I would have never thought to incorporate it into their session. As the daughter of a service woman (veteran/EMT), I know the impact that images like this can have. God forbid anything were to happen to him during a call they now have this photo to remember his dedication to the department and to the community.

So, if you book a family photo session with your Batavia, NY Family Photographer, aka- ME, please be extra transparent with your specific needs/wants. These images are special, but let’s make them a little extra special just for you!

Metzler Family | Batavia family/Newborn Photographers

This family is AMAZING!!

They are so laid back, easy to work with, and fun! Mom contacted me a while back about doing maternity/newborn photos. I expressed to her that I only offer lifestyle newborn photos. She was totally on board and I have to say, I'm in love with all of their images.  Big sister was so sweet to her baby sister. She loved giving her sweet kisses and "attempted" to hold her as best she could.  

Also, can we give mom a big shout out at how amazing she looks?!  She's really pulling off this mom of a newborn way better than I did. 

Lifestyle photography is so beautiful and raw. As a newborn lifestyle photographer in Batavia NY, I love how much more comfortable my families are in their own home; especially the children. Another great thing about lifestyle photography is that should the family move to another home, they have these images to share with their little ones as they get older and can show them where they came home from the hospital, what their nursery looked like as a baby, their bedrooms as they became a toddler and so on.  I love looking back on old photos from when I was a kid and seeing the different homes we lived in as we grew up. It's really cool to see and memories come flooding back from that time in my life.  

Thank you, Metzler family, for sharing this amazing time in your life with me. I am so honored to have been chosen to be your newborn lifestyle photographer in Batavia, N.Y. Check out a few hand selected images from their gallery below. 

CLICK HERE to book your newborn lifestyle photography session today! 


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Photographer in Batavia NY
Photographer in Batavia NY
Photographer in Batavia NY
Photographer in Batavia NY
Photographer in Batavia NY
Photographer in Batavia NY
Photographer in Batavia NY
Photographer in Batavia NY
Photographer in Batavia NY
Photographer in Batavia NY
Photographer in Batavia NY
Photographer in Batavia NY
Photographer in Batavia NY
Photographer in Batavia NY
Photographer in Batavia NY
Photographer in Batavia NY
Photographer in Batavia NY
Photographer in Batavia NY

Cora says, thanks for checking out our family photos!

Photographer in Batavia NY

Western, NY Lifestyle Session | Norstrand Family

I met mom for coffee (big surprise there, I kinda LOVE coffee) and we chatted about her family.

She was interested in having a lifestyle session done. She spoke about how she is a dog breeder and that she had puppies she would like to incorporate into her session. I mean, how could you say no to puppies?  I asked if she felt she had a decent amount of natural light in her home because let's face it, living in Western NY, there are A LOT of overcast days, especially in the winter months.  She said they had okay natural light, BUT had another house that was on the market to be sold that we could use.  As a Western, NY lifestyle photographer I feel my job is to tell your story. So I had to find out the story with this house because I would much rather shoot in okay light and have a story, than a house with beautiful natural light and no story, but that's just me.

Apparently her daughter LOVES this house. This is the house she was brought home to after she was born, the house she started her 1st years of life in, and I was then sold on having their session there.  I have photos of every place that was my boys' 1st home and every single time I look at the photos, I am flooded with emotions and memories. Why wouldn't you want something so special as a keepsake?

Little A was a tad excited about being there and probably a little distracted to do any of the activities mom had planned, but let's face it, she was happy to be home.

Have a look at their session and if you're looking for a puppy, check her out here!

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Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer

Western NY Lifestyle Photographer | Fisher Family

I have just recently started to delve into lifestyle photography. I wasn't too sure how I would feel about them. The uncertainty of them, the unplanned concept of them, the trying to remain true to the definition of real photojournalism and create lasting memories, but alas, I am in LOVE with everything about them! I LOVE to raw emotion that is delivered from them, I LOVE the comfortableness of being in ones home, I LOVE that the location starts out with story already, and I LOVE that each session is unique to the family itself.

This family was still a little unsure when I arrived the morning of and so I suggested what other families have done in the past to get started. They baked, they danced, they read, etc.  mom instantly said "We don't bake" hahaha! But to be really honest, THAT is really the cool thing about these sessions. I am there to capture what YOU do together as a family and I think that's what makes them extra special and unique.

I am pretty excited to share these images. You can just see the love this family has for each other. Have a look! 

Also take note of the special cat that HAD to partake as well. I love including the family pet because one day they will no longer be and it's always nice to have a little something to remember them by. 

Western NY Lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY Lifestyle Photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photgrapher
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western ny lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer

Boy or Girl? | Gender reveal session

I met these two soon to be moms for coffee to chat about their gender reveal session. I felt an immediate connection with both of them and just knew how much fun they would be to work with.  They are both SOOO excited for this new chapter in their lives and I could just see the love they have for each other and the love they will share with their new little bundle.  Scroll down and have a look for yourself!

Western NY Family photographer
Western NY Family photographer
Western NY Family photographer

GOTCHA!  Sorry, you'll just have to wait a little while longer.