Contacting Your Batavia, N.Y. Photographer
/I had an exchange with a potential client last week, and I just wanted to brag on them for a moment. I grew up in a time where if you wanted to hire a service, you had to speak with them over the phone or in person; the internet was in its baby stages and cell phones were a luxury when they were created. My oldest memory of a cell phone, and I’m certain many of you all can relate, is Saved by the Bell. Who knew that we would all be a Zack Morris one day?
With that, we have created this bubble where we hide behind our phones and computers to communicate: we text, we email, and we dm. We have created a barrier of protection that allows us to retreat should something not go as we had hoped. I am totally guilty of communicating this way with people simply because it’s convenient to do while I am busy doing something else. If I talk with someone over the phone, I can’t get anything done. I’m the type of person who, if I accept a phone call in the store, will get my 10,000 steps in walking up and down the aisles while getting nothing on my list because I’m too involved with the conversation than the original task at hand, so, in short, I get it, but I also hate it.
Why? Getting ghosted is frustrating. I really wanted to do more automation in my business this year so that I can delegate my time more wisely in my business and in my personal life. The one thing I wasn’t willing to automate was my response to clients- although I did consider it. I love having that first conversation with a family that is looking to book a session with me. I love hearing all about your wishes and hopes for your session, and I love hearing about the fun facts you share with me when inquiring. At some point it’s necessary for me to share my pricing. I recognize that everyone has a budget; I get that! I don’t expect to be everyone’s photographer. In fact, I don’t want to be everyone’s photographer- that’s a lot of pressure! But, what I do want is to not be ghosted when my pricing doesn’t fit your budget. I spend a lot of time curating responses unique to your needs. I would appreciate a simple “I’m sorry, but this is bit more than we were planning to spend. Thank you for your time.”
That’s exactly what this woman did! She didn’t leave me hanging. She showed her appreciation for me taking the time to get back to her. It’s not just one simple email, it’s multiple so I can get a good sense of what people are looking for. I know that there’s this illusion that having photos done in this digital world means “free” images simply because I don’t have to pay for the film, paper, and processing to create an image (which is not totally true either, but that’s a post for another day), but it does take a lot of time to create those images, and it’s important to respect that.
Time is one of the most valuable things we have in our lives simply because we don’t have an unlimited supply of it. Time is fleeting. Value yours and value others.
4 Tips on How to Manage Fussy Children During Portrait Session
/Fussy children during your photo session can be stressful. I have 3 children of my own; I get it! And, they’re all boys- which seems to be more difficult to convince them that family photos are important. Now, I must admit that these are not fool proof tips and there are some children that are unbreakable, but they do work most of the time and are always worth a try.
Tip #1
Be Empathetic: Some children start the session with strong emotions, and that’s okay. You have protected your children and taught them stranger danger since they were born and now you expect them to perform for a stranger. As your Batavia, N.Y. photographer, I try to put myself in the shoes of your little ones. I read their body language and develop a plan based on the energy they are giving me. Maybe they are hugging your leg and hiding. This shows me they are a little shy and probably a little nervous. Maybe they are clutching you and crying. This tells me that I am not to be trusted just yet and must earn it. I must show them that I am not here to cause them any harm. These two things tell me that bringing out the camera right away is not the best idea if I want to win them over. They need time. They need time to assess the situation and get comfortable with their surroundings. Never push if your children are not ready. Be patient and they will come around. If you know your child requires extra time, make that known to your photographer so that they can give you ample time. This is also why I tell parents to never let their child(ren) fall asleep in the car on the way to a session. Could you imagine falling asleep in one place and waking up in another, meeting a new person in a location you’ve never been, AND you are expected to put on your best face?! That’s going to be a negative for me.
Tip #2
Give them a break: Your children have feelings just like you and me. The only difference is they haven’t been afforded the full experience on how to manage those emotions just yet. Maybe they started off their session strong but about 15 minutes in they just aren’t having it anymore- Give them a moment. Allow them to have a snack or a little drink. Give them some time to gather their emotions and bring them back when they’re ready. A good family photographer will also be able to pick-up on these cues and should be able to change it up to create a set-up that will be more appealing to your little one: This might be throwing them in the air, giving them some tickles, standing and walking, allowing your child to run or jump, etc. Kids are unpredictable and we need to be able to adapt to their needs.
Tip #3
Positive words: I don’t have enough fingers and toes to count the amount of times I’ve told parents that yelling at your children will not work to correct their behavior during a session. In fact, I’ve physically seen a child get worse because of it. Why? Your child is having a moment and needs that time to process it. Yelling at them actually shuts them down and makes them even more upset. Not to mention, it embarrasses them in front of a new person. If you have ever worked with me, you have probably heard me tell your children that they are doing a great job and how amazing they are, and that I appreciate them for doing a job well done. I always tell parents that if your child is not harming anyone or themselves, all play and silliness is okay with me! I get inspired by your children. Do I like children who follow directions well? Of course! But I also love those free-spirited children who force me to get creative.
I remember becoming a parent for the 1st time. I loved seeing the world through his eyes. It’s a perspective I’ve seen before but was lost in my growth. Give me that with your children, too.
Tip #4
Embrace it: Sometimes kids just have bad days- Adults do, too! They just don’t know how to, as my SIL is told often, “fix their face”. In this situation I just say to embrace it. This stage of their life won’t last forever, so it’s important we document who they are in that moment, and if that means RBF, then that’s what we get. Another option is to literally embrace them! Hold them close with their face away from the camera and just give them all the love. Even though you can’t see their face, your love will still shine through by a simple snuggle. These offer a more emotive style session and can leave you feeling excited to share this sweet moment with the world just as much as an image with their smiling face.
And that concludes my list. I hope you found it helpful. If you have any other tips that you have used and work well, I’d love to hear from you!
Greis Family | Batavia Newborn Photographers
/Meet the Greis Family!
Mama invested in a Fresh-48 session around Thanksgiving last year (2016), but I didn't know until I checked my account notifications. I was so flipping excited! Problem was, I couldn't say anything. Do you know how hard that is?!
I had the pleasure of meeting this little beauty last weekend. I couldn't be happier for their little family. Mom of course let me sneak in lots of snuggles. That's the real reason why I offer Fresh-48 sessions. I get in my baby fix! I love getting to work with this family because they're so laid back and fun to be around. Mom and dad are so in love with their little ones, it's hard to not get great photos. Even Grandma and Grandpa were in a "new baby coma." It's actually a really beautiful thing to witness grandparents meeting their grandchildren for the 1st time.
Take a scroll through their images below to see what I mean and while you're at it, see if you can guess what the family named her.

Pollock Family | Batavia Family Photographers
/Meet the Pollock Family
When I started photography I was so afraid to photograph families. Now, I LOVE IT! Especially when you get that family that just "knows" what to do. This family was amazing to work with and so fun! Let's not forget to mention how adorable their little guy is. Take a look at a few images from their gallery.
Metzler Family | Batavia family/Newborn Photographers
/This family is AMAZING!!
They are so laid back, easy to work with, and fun! Mom contacted me a while back about doing maternity/newborn photos. I expressed to her that I only offer lifestyle newborn photos. She was totally on board and I have to say, I'm in love with all of their images. Big sister was so sweet to her baby sister. She loved giving her sweet kisses and "attempted" to hold her as best she could.
Also, can we give mom a big shout out at how amazing she looks?! She's really pulling off this mom of a newborn way better than I did.
Lifestyle photography is so beautiful and raw. As a newborn lifestyle photographer in Batavia NY, I love how much more comfortable my families are in their own home; especially the children. Another great thing about lifestyle photography is that should the family move to another home, they have these images to share with their little ones as they get older and can show them where they came home from the hospital, what their nursery looked like as a baby, their bedrooms as they became a toddler and so on. I love looking back on old photos from when I was a kid and seeing the different homes we lived in as we grew up. It's really cool to see and memories come flooding back from that time in my life.
Thank you, Metzler family, for sharing this amazing time in your life with me. I am so honored to have been chosen to be your newborn lifestyle photographer in Batavia, N.Y. Check out a few hand selected images from their gallery below.
CLICK HERE to book your newborn lifestyle photography session today!
Cora says, thanks for checking out our family photos!
My Family | Batavia Family Photographers
/You can NEVER have enough family photos!
I have about 9584445446464675664646413117 x 500,000, photos, but I still don't think that's enough.
This is a photo that my mom requests every other Christmas. One where most of the family (yep, that's not all of them) gathers to share love, laughter, and of course FOOD! The reason I'm sharing this, is because this is the very last photo I have of my grandmother before she passed away yesterday morning. It was so unexpected and sudden. She is the one sitting on the couch all the way to the right. I am mad because this was Christmas day 2016. It is now April, and THIS is the last photo I have of her! That's why that number above is still not enough.
I spent quite a bit of time as a child running back and forth between my aunt/uncle's house and grandma/grandpa's house. I don't remember a ton, but the one thing I do remember is that SHE is why I know of Bob Ross. I don't recall a time when visiting her, that I didn't hear something about a happy little tree or chh, chh, chh faintly in the background. I don't recall my grandma yelling (loudly anyways) often. Maybe Bob Ross had something to do with that. His show was so calming. I guess Grandma and Bob Ross can paint together now wherever they are. Happy little trees, clouds, streams, water falls and whatever else their hearts desire. You will be missed, Grandma. Looking at this photo, and you sitting there, so healthy and happy, I just can't believe you won't be there next year.
Rest in peace Grandma.
And just when you think you've clicked that shutter one too many times, click it again!
Photographer in Batavia NY | Baby Suzanna | Fresh-48
/I LOVE babies! I really, REALLY love new babies! I was told that Golisono Children's Hospital has a baby snuggler program for the NICU. I "jokingly" say I'm going to be the baby smuggler instead. But for real though, Hahahaha!
Meet little Suzie. She was born last Tuesday (4/4). Mom and dad didn't find out what they were having. Can I just say........patience! I wanted to find out the gender of my children the same day I found out I was pregnant. How these two held out for a full 9 months is beyond me! Here are a few shot from their Fresh-48 session, and I am so in love. I only wish big sister, Cora, could've been there. Unfortunately, it's flu season and UMMC (Batavia, N.Y.) is being very cautious about letting in the littles.
Your baby will only be this little once! Their tiny little fingers and toes. Skin so pink and soft. You savor it, and I'll capture it!
Click here to schedule your Fresh-48 today!