Western, NY Lifestyle Session | Norstrand Family

I met mom for coffee (big surprise there, I kinda LOVE coffee) and we chatted about her family.

She was interested in having a lifestyle session done. She spoke about how she is a dog breeder and that she had puppies she would like to incorporate into her session. I mean, how could you say no to puppies?  I asked if she felt she had a decent amount of natural light in her home because let's face it, living in Western NY, there are A LOT of overcast days, especially in the winter months.  She said they had okay natural light, BUT had another house that was on the market to be sold that we could use.  As a Western, NY lifestyle photographer I feel my job is to tell your story. So I had to find out the story with this house because I would much rather shoot in okay light and have a story, than a house with beautiful natural light and no story, but that's just me.

Apparently her daughter LOVES this house. This is the house she was brought home to after she was born, the house she started her 1st years of life in, and I was then sold on having their session there.  I have photos of every place that was my boys' 1st home and every single time I look at the photos, I am flooded with emotions and memories. Why wouldn't you want something so special as a keepsake?

Little A was a tad excited about being there and probably a little distracted to do any of the activities mom had planned, but let's face it, she was happy to be home.

Have a look at their session and if you're looking for a puppy, check her out here!

Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer
Western NY lifestyle photographer