Greis Family | Batavia Newborn Photographers

Meet the Greis Family!

Mama invested in a Fresh-48 session around Thanksgiving last year (2016), but I didn't know until I checked my account notifications.  I was so flipping excited! Problem was, I couldn't say anything. Do you know how hard that is?!

I had the pleasure of meeting this little beauty last weekend. I couldn't be happier for their little family. Mom of course let me sneak in lots of snuggles. That's the real reason why I offer Fresh-48 sessions.  I get in my baby fix!  I love getting to work with this family because they're so laid back and fun to be around.  Mom and dad are so in love with their little ones, it's hard to not get great photos. Even Grandma and Grandpa were in a "new baby coma." It's actually a really beautiful thing to witness grandparents meeting their grandchildren for the 1st time. 

Take a scroll through their images below to see what I mean and while you're at it, see if you can guess what the family named her.