Why Your Color Photograph Doesn't Look as good in B&W | Batavia NY Family Photographer

Do you love Black & White photographs?

I know I do! There are times when I get special requests to convert a color photo to black and white. You see, when I edit my photos, I give every family their gallery in all color edits with the exception of a few that I will convert to Black & White, but only if I think the photo can handle the conversion. So, because of the way I edit and the requests I’ve received, I decided to do a little write up about my “why” I don’t convert all of my images to Black & White.

To start, we need to define Dynamic Range- Dynamic Range has to do with, but is not limited to, the light being captured in a photograph. Simply put, an image created with a lot of light and a lot of shadow would be considered an image with a great deal of dynamic range (high contrast). These types of images covert to Black & White beautifully!

If you look below I have shown 2 examples. One has great dynamic range while the other, even though it’s a great shot, is 1000% better in color!

With that said, I will do a Black & White conversion if requested but, if you truly love Black & Whites and want them in your gallery, please let your photographer know this before your family portrait session. This way they can be fully prepared to photograph your family for the Black & White conversion.

Black & Whites are created in camera with the light and the location.